Dock System Preference
In response to Einar Wahlstøm, a member of the Apple for Architects Google+ Community, post about his OS X Dock, this update will detail what's on my Dock. If you would like to share your Dock with the Community, either comment on this post or join the Apple for Architects Google+ Community and post there.
First there is the location. I know it looks good, centered on the bottom, but my 24-inch iMac screen is wider than taller, so the only placement for me is on the far right.
Reminders - How I track everything I need to do.
Notes - For quick notes, serial numbers or settings I never can remember.
(I use Apple's Contacts, Calendar, Reminders & Notes as they sync via iCloud between all my Apple devices.)
Maps - Useful for looking up directions to client's residences or project sites and sending those to my iPhone.
Skype - For recording Archispeak
TweetDeck - For when I need to schedule tweets.
Leaf - A good OS X RSS reader. (How I keep up on Architecture & Mac news.)
Pages - All correspondence, contracts, memos & invoices.
Numbers - Time & Expense Reports.
Quicken 2015 - Personal and Business accounting.
Evernote - Mostly for web clippings.
Vectorworks 2015 - My main CAD/BIM production tool.
AutoCAD for Mac LT 2015 - For consulting CAD work.
SketchUp - A teaser icon. I keep telling myself I'll eventually learn how to use it.
Parallels Desktop - For access to the one Windows based program, Comicbase, which catalogs and tracks all my comic books.
Neat - Paperless Office database and interface for my Neat Document Scanner.
iPhoto - Still my main photo organization and manipulation app.
iBooks - I don't read books on my iMac, so I don't know why I keep it there.
App Store
System Preferences
Downloads Folder - Alias
I use more then just the apps mentioned above. Some that could be there are:
1Password - A must have app for saving multiple and complex passwords.
Adobe Photoshop CS6
Backblaze (Perhaps this will go in another post about the Menu Bar.)
Carbon Copy Cloner
Chrome - For those times when I'm forced to access a website that uses Flash. Note: Flash is not installed on any of my Macs, nor is Java, which is why I choose Backblaze for online backup.)
Image Capture - For accessing my HP Officejet scanner and capturing site photos from my iPhone.
Merlin - A Mac based, Microsoft Project, style scheduling app.
SpamSieve - An absolute must have Mail add-on app.
TextExpander - Another must have app. It makes typing must quicker by inserting "snippets" of predefined text into emails and other correspondence.
Now it is your turn. What's on your Dock?